This is a suitable replacement for any 6sn7gt 6sn7gta 6sn7gtb ecc32 dual triode tube type. With almost datasheets and the visitor counter indicates over 4000. Jun 26, 2016 for the tube of the month post of the 6sl7 i did not want to open up a pricey tube to show the internals. Get the best deals on mullard vintage vacuum tubes sockets. Mullard vintage vacuum tubes sockets for sale shop with. This page lists all of the 6sl7 tubes i currently have in stock, including all. Higher lifetime is produced by the higher filament current. The 6s3p highfrequency triodes is are miniature devices enclosed in glass bulb and are provided with a ninepin base and an indirectly heated oxidecoated cathode. You can use the search to find service types or go to the service type lists that you can access from the page more tube related stuff. Since the 6sl7 and 7f7 were most likely pulled from the same production line with just different bases applied, it is sufficient to just open one of these two types. Substitutes are given as a guide only please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. Ecc35 tube used tested mullard sweet 6sl7 for sale canuck.
Ecc35cv5696sl7gt mullard 1950 1960s this 6sl7gt sub sounds superior to any us made 6sl7gt. It also has very good bass resolution, but bass is not exteremly deep due to higher plate resistance woo audio wa6 modded apex peak single tube hybrid headphone amppreamp liquid glass headphone amp by cavalli audio audio aero capitole. Russian tube data are correct,interpretation of data is usually incorrect,or misunderstood. This runs the tube at full rated plate voltage, and plots the curves at 10 different grid bias levels. Some datasheets are only one page 3050k, some are 810 pages 300k and more. The 5691 is similar to the 6sl7gt except that it has twice the heater current 0. Bold designators are close or identical, italic designators are different ratings, different pinouts or different filament voltages. The metal base sylvania 6sn7w is regarded as the best sounding usa made 6sn7 variant of all times. Tube 35c5 or rohre 35c5 id3591, beam power tube, miniatur7pinbase b7g, usa 1940 and poweroutput shown. Try searching the tube data sheet locator, the worlds biggest index of tube datasheets other pages online with tube. The ecc35 is described by mullard in 1957 as a high gain double triode with separate cathodes for use in paraphase af voltage amplifiers. Nos sylvania made 6188 are a premium 6sl7gt 6su7gty are one of the best choice for hifi audio gear and guitar amplifiers which use the. Russian book usually very clearly says what is data presented in the book.
Herein you will find a collection of vintage engineering texts, vacuum tube datasheets, and other obsolete information, presented free of charge and without annoying advertisements. We carry premium hand selected vacuum tubes for guitar and hifi amps. The reference tube great for instrumental and vocals. Sylvania gold brand 6080 very liquid tube, you just want to continue listening. Those who need more comprehensive information on the complete range of mullard valves and tubes are invited to subscribe to the. Then connect to your amplifier,begin to enjoy music. H via canada postyou will find all of the information for this tube in this link there are two tubes. Tubesforamps is your source for replacement vacuum tubes. The ecc 40 is an indirectly heated double triode, of which the two sections, apart from the heaters, are completely separate. Mullard tubes 196x see other formats ith the compliments mull ardaustr alia pty 35 clarence street, sydney. Ecc35 mullard philips philips miniwatt adzam dual triode. Encouraged by my success with my 833a monoblocks driven by 45s transformer coupled by parallel feed ll1930 to the grids of the 833as and only running them at volts with zero grid bias gets 5 ma plate current on 833a and using this sounds thrilling with magnepan 0. This is a list of vacuum tubes or thermionic valves, and lowpressure gasfilled tubes.
In a few cases, when the 1966 edition omitted graphics on obsolete tubes, i inserted scans from the 1948 ginkins reference book. Ecc83 or 12ax7 12au7 12at7 ecc81 ecc82 7025 cv4003 cv4004 5751 5814 6021 b. Ecc35 mullard, philips miniwatt uk double triode valve tubes. In 2008 it is much sought after for use in audio amplifiers the side view shows two triode sections between mica discs. Great middetail and very romantic sound with zero harshness, not grainy. The 6n9s double triodes are enclosed in glass bulb and are provided with an octal base and an indirectly heated oxidecoated cathode.
Tube ecc 35 or rohre ecc35 id15829, double triode, octal int. Clicking any link on the chart will take you to data and pictures where available of the tube listed. The jan chs 6sn7w metal base tube was made from 19421945. The principal characteristics quoted for each valve in this book are normally. Ecc32cv181 mullard 1950s very wellbalanced tube from top to bottom. Only need to connect a and the adapter socket in together. It has, of course, only been possible to include abridged technical data but this should be adequate for normal requirements. Valve data book 1951 franks electron tube data sheets.
Ecc35 cv5696sl7gt mullard 1950 1960s this 6sl7gt sub sounds superior to any us made 6sl7gt. The 6n7g has the same base connections but a much higher anode current rating and was designed for use as a quiescent pushpull output stage. Free delivery and returns on ebay plus items for plus members. Ecc35 mullard, philips miniwatt uk nos double triode valve tubes. Description the 6s3p 63 highfrequency triode is designed for amplification of highfrequency voltage.
Oct 15, 2017 there are few pleasures as simple, and wonderful as music craig uthus if it measures good and sounds bad, it is bad. My favorite tubes and their substitutes by robert h. Western specialist,with out too much real knowledge,trying to convert russian terms and data under western terminology and it cause the big problems. Please see the substitutes at the top of the page for more details. Vacuum tubes for amps pre and power tubes tubes for amps. Ecc35 has another operating point, but it will fit in normal 6sl7 circuits, since this is a high gain tube and auto bias is functioning very nice with high gain tubes. If it sounds good and measures bad, youve measured the wrong thing daniel r. But the 7f7 is rather cheap and i will sacrifice one for dissection. We have general electric usa, not ukand rca recieving tube manuals for sale, as well as the rca transmitting tube manual tt4, and a book of data on western electric tubes. In phase splitter aplications this tube is simply unbeatable i transformed my williamson amplifier with 807 el34 6ca7 kt66 and now use just one ecc40 instead of two 6sn7gt with great results. Featuring hot pussy, sexy girls in xxx rated porn clips.
The following list shows the tube types i have entered in my database, with exception of the service types e. The 6n9s double triode is designed for amplification of lowfrequency voltage. Its not as relaxed, but at the same time more dynamic the bass is very tight great for rock. We have general electric usa, not ukand rca recieving tube manuals for sale, as well as the rca transmitting tube manual tt4, and a book of data on. The most accurate method to test tubes, the curve plots can actually be compared to the printed examples for each tube type that appear in the manufacturer technical data sheets and books. Ecc35 has 0,4 amps filament current, whereas 6sl7 has 0. Of any particular type of valve or tube does not necessarily imply that it can be supplied. I love and appreciate tube based audio gear and own sixteen pieces of tube gear between my two reference systems.
1150 561 260 1017 798 1465 112 756 1576 1399 900 946 1143 1026 218 1063 1263 1127 562 1529 38 1102 1149 1379 89 958 458 384 878 840 35 38 1386 719 979